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Pual's Interview

What is your name: Paul Sanchez

Where do you live?: St. Charles, IL

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been riding bmx?: 2 1/2 years street and 1 1/2 park

What kind of a bike do you have?: I have a custom 21tt Standard STA 500

What is your favorite terrain and why?: I ride park and street (thats all I ride at the moment). I try to not ride one more than the other, because I get bored of the samething over and over again.

Are you sponsored by anybody?: Well...I guess I am now sponsored by Stalker. I would have to say my parents help me out a lot as well.

Who would you like to be sponsored by in the future?: I dont really like this question, because I try not to worry about that sort of thing.

Do you have any other hobbies?: I dont have any other serious hobbies other than riding, however I do waste a lot of being myself.

Why did you start riding?: I dont really know why I started riding, other than the fact that it is just a fun thing to do. My dad bought me my first bmx bike 3 years ago, and I started fooling around on it. After I learned some of the basics I met some really good local riders who have helped me improve and become more motivated to ride.

Do you have a job?: Next question

What are your plans for the future?: I really have no idea, which really scares me.

Anyone you'd like to thank?: I would like to thank my parents for supporting me. I would like to thank Stalker for letting me ride for them. Thanks to BenO, John G., Adam S., Josh, Steve C., Orlando, Dakan, and Jonemy for riding with me and helping me improve, and for being good friends. I would like to thank Ham for getting St. Charles and Geneva Park open for bikes, all the local riders owe him a lot. Thanks to everyone I may have forgotten that has pushed me to become a better rider.

My Bike